Sunday, September 30, 2007

Week 4: Flickr'd 'n Fed

Hi fellow bloggers,
I did it and survived it! I flickr'd, like the proverbial moth to a flame. I doubt I will ever do it again, but I have ticked that off the TO DO list and moved onto FEEDS. As readers of MyOtherWordfx will doubtless guess by now, this feed bizzo DROVE ME INSANE!

Aw, I feel terrible as I did make myself a promise to be more positive this week. It's very difficult when one is constantly pushed for time (dear me, I sound like Prince Charles with the use of that pronoun), and what makes it even worse is when one inadvertently clicks on that pretty little red box with the white X in the top right hand corner instead of the window you thought you were in, and "alexaboolah-mitchykazoola-bippetty-boppetty-boo *poof*", it's goodnight Irene and you're back to the brochure you were working on half an hour ago. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggh.

I believe Ashley & Martin salons should be seriously sponsoring all of us over this 12-week period - I for one need their services in replacing all the hair I've been metaphorically pulling out!! As for feeds, I much prefer the other one, you know, with garlic, a grind of rock salt and light squeeze of fresh lemon juice, served with a chilled Frascati. Hmmmm ... whoops, sorry, nearly wafted off there.

So, RSS (boy, have I dreamed up some ripper alternatives to Really Simple Syndication!) and feeds and tags and all the other whizz-bang/you beaut box 'n dice can all stay out there in neverland while I get on with my REAL life.

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