Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Winter of Discontent

Brrrr ... bloody Winter. The only decent things about winter are cooking and footy! Right, now that I've had my annual grumble, onto bigger and better things. It's been interesting watching the new blogs unfold, albeit slowly. Time is proving, as it did with us, to be the designated driver. So c'mon guys ... we're ready and waiting to be dazzled by your sheer brilliance and creativity :o)
Our other blogs have been a veritable hive of industry. Invisible Ink has seen more activity than a bride's nightie and Quicksand is now "out there" and looking sensational! Both are a great read, so jump on board. We'd love to hear what you think, so make sure you leave comments, heheh heheh like the ahem, Mr Justice Department, M B A if you don't mind, from Florida. Well, what the heck, it's nice to know that someone is reading it!
Must get on with things, so a few more yummo dishes have been added to the Cookathon, and wouldn't ya know it, Photobucket, where I create this slide show, has a max of 30 pix only, so I've reached the dizzy limit. Hmmmmm, what now? Create anothery? Edit/delete the existing? Or put it all in the Who Cares basket and move on to something else? Tune in next time for the answer to my Winter of Discontent. ;o)