Week 7 brings us to the Wiki Sandbox, and if you're a wordsmith like me, the potential to go nutzoid is huge :oD However, well aware of my waxing lyrical just a tad too much, it's straight to the point for me, if only I could get a firm stranglehold on my sense of humour first! I'm still giggling, as after viewing the xlent YouTube vid extolling the virtues of Wiki over receiving hundreds of emails, I jumped into PBWiki and THE very first message that comes up is" "PBwiki will send you an email when someone edits a page, by default no more that one email per 1 hour. You can customize these settings once you log in." Ah dear me, I wonder how many of us will get so immersed in what we're doing that we'll totally forget to customize the settings. Don't ya just lerve technology! :oDOK, humour aside, I think Wikis are great! I've long been a [wary] fan of Wikipedia and after reading some of the Library Wikis, I think we could ease the burden from the shoulders of our Web Gurus and get something happening to benefit us all. The Intranet seems to be still on the drawing board; Chit Chat has faded into the misty moonlight; and Ho Ho Ho, Christmas festivity planning is already underway. Food for thought? What say you, fellow WikiWunderkind?Part of this lesson was to also add to a Wiki. If you like, you can click on this widget below and dive into My Favourite Leisuretime, but don't bother if you've read my last couple of posts ;o)