Wow, I've been so flat chat of late there's been nary a spare minute to waffle on about the weekend cookathon. The weather, as you can probably recall, screamed "BAR-B-QUE" at us, so dust it off and fire it up we did. That of course was after much hmmmming and aaaaaahing about just what to toss onto it in the first place. Being the sort of people we are, seafood won out and we headed off to our friendly fishmongers, Pete and Voula [?], Con and Aristea [?], really must, after all this time, find out their names! Our desire for shasliks saw us buy up big on prawns, scallops and a large firm white fish fillet - the trevally was just the ticket. First thing to do back on home turf was get the bamboo skewers soaking, so out with an empty Coke bottle, fill it up to the brim, drop in the skewers and tighten the lid. [I've finally wisenheimered up in my olde age and given up the stupid practice of putting them in water-filled bowls/dishes/the sink with weights on them to keep them down!]
We really knocked ourselves out over this meal, hehhehheh, by doing some spuds in alfoil, rustling up a salad, tearing up some bread and opening another Houghton's [well, we did buy a dozen .. hate 'em to go off ;o) ;o)]. Oh, ok, I did make a lemon/herb/olive oil number to brush the shasliks as they were grilling, and yep! It was all just luvverly! And best of all, bugga all in the way of washing up!
Now, I wonder if this video/podcasting lesson is a happening thing yet ...
I'm adding a bit of a post-script to this, as after writing the word prawns, it reminded me of New Year's Eve 1999 - the night the new century clicked over. We spent our usual holiday break on a 40ft cruiser on the Gippsland Lakes and that New Year's night the prawns were running at Barrier Landing, just near where Lakes Entrance washes into the lakes. That was too good an opportunity to miss, so as these pix show, here's the prawns we caught, swimming about in a water filled dinghy, and *ta da*, here's the breakfast we enjoyed to greet a new century! Wow!