In the interim, a few of us 'oldies', ahem, as in 'old hands' not 'old age' "^ ^", have been sequestered to add a bit of 'va va va voom' to our Library blog, Invisible Ink, http://www.cclc.vic.gov.au/news/blog/ so make sure you keep an eye peeled as we dilute the corporate-speak and ramp up the wow factor a bit more. :o) During this process, we Ed-Chics created new avatars, and, as my lot in life, I'm still in the kitchen, heh heh heh. Anyway, here's the 'new Me'. Check out Michelle, Linda, Monique and Cenza! The management duo, Peter & Pru, aka P&P, will be dropping their pearlers in from time to time too, so it's full steam ahead again in blogland. Thunderbirds are GO!!