I looked on the dreaded Learning 2.0 list this morning and lo and behold, it looks like we've come to the end of the road. I think I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms! It has been a rocky road, one of peaks and troughs, laughter and head-banging frustration. It's dragged me kicking and screaming into a new world, one that I did not wish to visit. My job is technologically challenging on most days as it is. Apart from Unicorn and iBistro, I regularly use about seven other different software packages to just get my work done, so trying to find some mental storage space for all this has been huge. Just how much can a Koala bear? ;o)
In a brief moment of retrospection, one thing I struggled with is now something I use every day, and that is "Feeds". I have all my Feeds set up next to Favourites in Internet Explorer and it makes life so much easier instead of opening stuff up to see if it's been updated.
The other thing that did my head in was becoming fluent in 'cyber speak'. I don't know how many times I searched for definitions so I could understand what I was reading and that has to be the pinnacle of frustration! I now have a collection of hard copy printouts, a sort of mini cyber-speak dictionary if you will, because I know I will not remember. I mean, how many times in a day will you blurt out, "Oh yeah, right, the Folksonomic Zeitgeist". "^ ^" [You can check this definition out at http://blogs.guardian.com.uk/global/whatisfz.html]
IF there is a common parlance in cyber world, why can't you find these words in Microsoft Word's Shift F7?? Huh Mr Gates, huh?! Or, hold the phone, is there a common parlance? When we did the Bloglines lesson, I printed out the steps, and step 2d says "you will see a link that says 'rss'. On some sites this may appear as an orange RSS or XML button. Some sites may just have a 'syndicate' text. All these things mean the same thing." Pfffff. OK, enough said on this topic. I guess it's a Rockmelon/Cantaloupe thing but gee it makes learning and comprehension so much harder than what it should be.
During the journey, I always enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs, and what got the collective dander up is the amount of signing in and passwords. I think Monica summed up pretty well with her 17 & 18 posts [on Random Thoughts from a Drama Queen Library Technician] ... "Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgghhhhhh!!!" I think the next group to join the Learning 2.0 journey definitely should be forewarned!!
My overall opinion is that this training exercise has been valuable to all of us. Some colleagues will pick up the baton and run with it, blazing a trail for others to follow, whereas others may only use bits and pieces that suit them in their respective jobs. But all of us have had a monumental increase in awareness and for that, we thank you!
- As an aside, I'm wondering about how many temp files and cookies have taken up residence in the system, so I guess housekeeping will be on my agenda this afternoon! :o) -
"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today"