Thursday, June 19, 2008

The DT shelf of Left-field Reads

I first discovered Shelfari on our super-brilliant Quicksand site. That team is doing great work, you really must check it out Anyhoo, much 'n all as I enjoyed Library Thing [scroll waaaaaaay down to find it in about week 5] Shelfari offers a you-beaut bookshelf to put all your books on, *ta da*, and when you move the mouse over the covers, up pops a review! Neat huh. Of course there's heaps of other guff too, which I haven't had time to immerse myself in yet, like, umm, "friends" [if you're into that kind of thing "^ ^"] and what they're reading, reviews from others who've read the same book, and a whole heap more. Check out when you've got a mo.

I created the bookshelf to hold what I call "my left field reads" - y'know, those ones that either take you totally unawares [usually because the blurb on the cover was written by some hack publicist who's never read the book] or mentally takes you somewhere better than you ever expected. All of these 'left-field reads' were so wonderful in their own right and yet so different from one another that it surprises me how I picked them up in the first place! And yes, there are more to come! I will add more soon, I promise, but at this time on a Friday arvo, I've gotta get my skates on and make a dent in the in-tray.

Oh, BTW, when searching for covers in Shelfari, sometimes it just comes up with zip, zero, zilch so that's why a couple of my books are blank with just a typewritten title. :( [Well what would expect when you read such left-field stuff. It's hardly mainstream now is it, duh!] Eh, you win some, you lose some.

'Aveagoodweekend Blogsters. Ciao for now.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Winter of Discontent

Brrrr ... bloody Winter. The only decent things about winter are cooking and footy! Right, now that I've had my annual grumble, onto bigger and better things. It's been interesting watching the new blogs unfold, albeit slowly. Time is proving, as it did with us, to be the designated driver. So c'mon guys ... we're ready and waiting to be dazzled by your sheer brilliance and creativity :o)
Our other blogs have been a veritable hive of industry. Invisible Ink has seen more activity than a bride's nightie and Quicksand is now "out there" and looking sensational! Both are a great read, so jump on board. We'd love to hear what you think, so make sure you leave comments, heheh heheh like the ahem, Mr Justice Department, M B A if you don't mind, from Florida. Well, what the heck, it's nice to know that someone is reading it!
Must get on with things, so a few more yummo dishes have been added to the Cookathon, and wouldn't ya know it, Photobucket, where I create this slide show, has a max of 30 pix only, so I've reached the dizzy limit. Hmmmmm, what now? Create anothery? Edit/delete the existing? Or put it all in the Who Cares basket and move on to something else? Tune in next time for the answer to my Winter of Discontent. ;o)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thunderbirds are GO!

Wow ... the next round of Learning 2'ers is up and running and I for one cannot wait to see "who does what". Half the fun in these early days is trying to identify who's who. I've got 'South of the Border' nailed ... just need a few more starters and the fun begins.
In the interim, a few of us 'oldies', ahem, as in 'old hands' not 'old age' "^ ^", have been sequestered to add a bit of 'va va va voom' to our Library blog, Invisible Ink, so make sure you keep an eye peeled as we dilute the corporate-speak and ramp up the wow factor a bit more. :o) During this process, we Ed-Chics created new avatars, and, as my lot in life, I'm still in the kitchen, heh heh heh. Anyway, here's the 'new Me'. Check out Michelle, Linda, Monique and Cenza! The management duo, Peter & Pru, aka P&P, will be dropping their pearlers in from time to time too, so it's full steam ahead again in blogland. Thunderbirds are GO!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend Cookathons

Hi guyz - I'm baaaaack! I just couldn't resist not doing something with all the foodie pix I've been taking on the new digital camera Brian gave me at Christmas. It's fantastic, and what's so unreal about it is that it has a Cuisine Setting! Have a look at the Weekend Cookathon above - I can't believe I've cooked all these since I've had the camera, so that'd be from Dec 26 to now, the end of March. If I can, I'll keep the Cookathon slideshow at the top and just add to it when we've made something photo-worthy!
I must add a thanks to Cenza here. She and Ann have been busy creating a teen blog [which I've been keeping an eye on] and when I saw what Cen did with the pix in Photobucket, I just had to join up. When you all have a mo. check out Quicksand, it's great. PS - it's only available for viewing internally at CCLC at the moment, but when it goes live, and I'm sure it will, I'll let you know.
Ciao for now.