Thursday, June 19, 2008

The DT shelf of Left-field Reads

I first discovered Shelfari on our super-brilliant Quicksand site. That team is doing great work, you really must check it out Anyhoo, much 'n all as I enjoyed Library Thing [scroll waaaaaaay down to find it in about week 5] Shelfari offers a you-beaut bookshelf to put all your books on, *ta da*, and when you move the mouse over the covers, up pops a review! Neat huh. Of course there's heaps of other guff too, which I haven't had time to immerse myself in yet, like, umm, "friends" [if you're into that kind of thing "^ ^"] and what they're reading, reviews from others who've read the same book, and a whole heap more. Check out when you've got a mo.

I created the bookshelf to hold what I call "my left field reads" - y'know, those ones that either take you totally unawares [usually because the blurb on the cover was written by some hack publicist who's never read the book] or mentally takes you somewhere better than you ever expected. All of these 'left-field reads' were so wonderful in their own right and yet so different from one another that it surprises me how I picked them up in the first place! And yes, there are more to come! I will add more soon, I promise, but at this time on a Friday arvo, I've gotta get my skates on and make a dent in the in-tray.

Oh, BTW, when searching for covers in Shelfari, sometimes it just comes up with zip, zero, zilch so that's why a couple of my books are blank with just a typewritten title. :( [Well what would expect when you read such left-field stuff. It's hardly mainstream now is it, duh!] Eh, you win some, you lose some.

'Aveagoodweekend Blogsters. Ciao for now.